Factbox Five Facts About Russian Central Bank Chief Nabiullina!

Factbox Five Facts About Russian Central Bank Chief Nabiullina!

The Russian central bank will hold a policy meeting on Friday as sanctions over Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Leaving the country increasingly isolated and devastating it's economy.

Below are five facts about Russia's central bank governor Elvira Nabiullina.

An economics graduate of Moscow State University, Nabiullina became the first woman to run a central bank from the G8 grouping of rich.

Countries when she took the reins in 2013 after serving as President Vladimir Putin's advisor and following a stint as economy and trade minister.

Highly respected, including by many in the West, Nabiullina is credited with modernizing the central bank.

And making it into an institution foreign investors trusted to steer the economy through tough times, including Western sanctions in 2014.

Following Russia's annexation of Crimea in 2014, she helped build a $640 billion.

A war chest of gold and foreign exchange reserves oversaw a reduction in the share of reserves held in dollars.

An ethnic Tatar and a rare female in the top echelons of Russian officialdom, Nabiullina earned Putin's trust.

Known as a policy hawk, in a December interview with Reuters.

She said high inflation could undermine the central bank's credibility.

Nabiullina is famed for sending coded messages with her choice of clothing and brooches.

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